Title - Suggestion - (Summary/Title Here)
OOC Name: Filed
Your In-Game Name / Position: Omega-1309 VC CPT Niner
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
RC needs a restructure that brings in Fresh Ideas, with new Roles RC will be better and more fun to play as. QRF can only be done so many times till everyone get's bored.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes(I am regimental Command)
Applicable Addon/Model Link: N/A
Anything else: N/A
OOC Name: Filed
Your In-Game Name / Position: Omega-1309 VC CPT Niner
[DG] RC Squads and Recruitment
Candidacy System Explained. Squads Explained. Introduction: Welcome to RC, this Document is about explaining the steps of recruitment for every Republic Commando Squad, as well as explaining what the Squads actively do and are allowed to do. This document has been made by RC Battalion Comman...
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
RC needs a restructure that brings in Fresh Ideas, with new Roles RC will be better and more fun to play as. QRF can only be done so many times till everyone get's bored.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes(I am regimental Command)
Applicable Addon/Model Link: N/A
Anything else: N/A