RC Restructure with new roles, and a Fresh/ Different Idea.


New member
Nov 27, 2024
Title - Suggestion - (Summary/Title Here)

OOC Name: Filed
Your In-Game Name / Position: Omega-1309 VC CPT Niner

How will your suggestion benefit the server:
RC needs a restructure that brings in Fresh Ideas, with new Roles RC will be better and more fun to play as. QRF can only be done so many times till everyone get's bored.

Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes(I am regimental Command)

Applicable Addon/Model Link: N/A
Anything else: N/A
In addition to this, All Documents now Exist for Each Individual Squad. These Documents Include Recruitment into the Squads, as well their own Individual Spreadsheets which furthermore add to the RP Potential and Unique Potential of every single Lore Character in RC.

My aim for the Restructure if it gets passed, is just to increase the potential of RC.
Republic High Command - Forum.png

Initiating Message...

Credentials: | Codename: "Bloodraven" | ID: 6600 | Rank: Director of RIS | Stationed: Site Warden / CLASSIFIED

Republic High Command have reviewed this suggestion, and have decided to PARTIALLY ACCEPT it.
The following alterations will be made moving forward:

"Delta Squad" will gain secondary priority over Hostage Negotiations when CG are unavailable or are in need of support.
"Omega Squad" will gain secondary priority over interrogations when CG are unavailable or are in need of support.
"Clone Force 99" will gain secondary priority over reconnaissance, for when WP are unavailable or are in need of support.

Every individual member of the squads need to be trained by the respective regiments before they gain the priority.E.g. Omega Squad Niner needs to be trained by a CG Commissioned Officer in how to properly interrogate before he is allowed to do so and claim secondary priority of it.
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