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    • The times I've put on here are also open to change I just believe that during the week we're being forced events down our throats which isn't a bad thing but we should have some time for other stuff during the week too. This will also benefit staff as the expected work-load on them can slim down a bit which means they can take longer stirring the pot to cook up those sweet sweet events
    • Restructure to Events In-Game Name: Bees Suggestion: My initial suggestion is to restructure the events across the week. Monday to Thursday have a mandatory 2 events an evening, 1 base event and 1 planetary with longer breaks between for tryouts and trainings. At the moment all of the opportunities to do these trainings and such just feel forced towards the weekend when people will ideally want the specs or certs to play with. For the basis of this suggestion I'll be using UK time zone Monday to Thursday 1st Base 5pm Planetary 8pm This window gives an opportunity for trainings etc Friday to Sunday 1st Base Midday to 1pm Planetary 4pm Final Base 7/8pm This means player counts will be more consistent over the weekends as at the moment the weekends are still sort of structure as if it's a working week. I'm unsure as the reasoning maybe it will be commented on but it sort of just seems silly. Reason for Suggestion: The reasoning for this is to bring people on earlier as at the moment the weekends kind of just feel stale. Again if there's some reasoning I'm missing please enlighten me Steam Links: None Image/Videos Referenced: None
    • On behalf of the Server Leadership Team, we have decided to Accept your suggestion. It will be implemented onto the server as soon as possible!
    • On behalf of the Server Leadership Team, we have decided to Accept your suggestion. It will be implemented onto the server as soon as possible!
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