Denied Republic Reinforcement - Cap increase 3 > 5


New member
Jan 13, 2025
OOC Name: Noon
Your In-Game Name / Position: CE SGM Noon

- Increase the Job Cap from 3 to 5, this is mainly for GM as people are getting more interested and 3 is a low limit with the player count right now. Not just for GM.

How will your suggestion benefit the server:
- More slots allow for more players to join the premium job they have access too, with some having more interest in them as well it will stop people waiting to take slots, asking for people to get off, ect.

Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): No

Applicable Addon/Model Link: -
Anything else: -
GM slot was full all of yesterday, and mostly full for today ( Upon making this suggestion )
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Reactions: Lexi

This suggestion has been DENIED

Any Questions, contact myself or any members of Management!
Management Team