Title - Suggestion - (Summary/Title Here)
OOC Name: Filed
Your In-Game Name / Position: Omega-1309 CPT VC Niner.
Give Omega Squad their own rifle, similar to CF-99, just a Modified DC-17M however.
Current Stats:
8 Damage
450 RPM
40 Mag Capacity
Proposed Stats:
11 Damage
300 RPM
30 or 25 Mag Capacity.
Change the damage drop over range to After 190 Meters, it becomes 6 Damage. It would also be great to see if the Omega Rifle had some form of Red Dot, no zoom, just a sight that would be good for aimed accuracy.
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
Main reasoning, is to make the gun into a CQC weapon, and make Omega a more efficient squad in the long term, once filled, the Squad can then act efficiently as a 4 man and breach areas by themselves, which due to the low max ammo, the low damage and high fire rate, they couldn't act efficiently before. The Rifle would also be much better for eliminating single targets alongside the Other Members of Omega.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes(I am Regimental Command)
Applicable Addon/Model Link: N/A
Anything else: N/A
OOC Name: Filed
Your In-Game Name / Position: Omega-1309 CPT VC Niner.
Give Omega Squad their own rifle, similar to CF-99, just a Modified DC-17M however.
Current Stats:
8 Damage
450 RPM
40 Mag Capacity
Proposed Stats:
11 Damage
300 RPM
30 or 25 Mag Capacity.
Change the damage drop over range to After 190 Meters, it becomes 6 Damage. It would also be great to see if the Omega Rifle had some form of Red Dot, no zoom, just a sight that would be good for aimed accuracy.
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
Main reasoning, is to make the gun into a CQC weapon, and make Omega a more efficient squad in the long term, once filled, the Squad can then act efficiently as a 4 man and breach areas by themselves, which due to the low max ammo, the low damage and high fire rate, they couldn't act efficiently before. The Rifle would also be much better for eliminating single targets alongside the Other Members of Omega.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes(I am Regimental Command)
Applicable Addon/Model Link: N/A
Anything else: N/A