Accepted Nick for Staff Advisor

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New member
Jan 16, 2025
Name: Nick
Discord Username: fruino
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30037468
Age: 27
Timezone: CET
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
Do you have any other staff experience, if so list them below:
- Republic Gaming Admin
- Hive rp Head Admin
- Dauntless Gaming Moderator

Tell us a bit about yourself: Hello im Nick (not my real name), i am from Denmark and i love dauntless gaming. I play almost all day cause i love dauntless. I am a real life butcher but right now i am out of jobs.

Why do you want to join the Staff Team?: Advisor is the best rank within staff and i really want to join the staff team to help with tickets since recently they seem to be very slow! I also wish to assist ppl with their events so they can be even better!

Create a brief planetary event idea: We go to the planet of Exculbia where we were contacted by the planets royalty king Exkubob and the queen Exkubee. They have called a distress signal to the republic cause they were getting attacked by the CIS. The CIS would then attack with a tac droid being the smart enemy they want to capture and get intel from. When they fought through the mission and also defended the Castle where the king and queen was staying and got the droid they would get their intel and get put on a goose chase to find the 4 different pieces to the puzzle. Going through the different areas to find these very glowly puzzle pieces (if they found them before hand they could still keep them but have no idea what they are for). WHen they have gotten all the pieces together the CIS trap activates where they turn in and try to steal the riches from them that was on the planet which they just found out now was the case. They would keep getting attacked untill either they run away because there is too many enemy forces or a venator comes in to save them (if the Navy makes that conclusion). I would do the event after how the regiments and navy would lead the event. Depending on the narratives they go for thats how it would go and end, taking into their choices as the action for the forward of the event.

You will need to host events and handle staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: Yes

Your application has been ACCEPTED. You will join the team at the Advisor Level.

Your assigned mentor will be arranged shortly.

Any questions, please contact myself or other members of the management team.

Management Team​
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