Accepted 212th Tanks

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New member
Feb 7, 2025
Title - Suggestion - (Summary/Title Here)

OOC Name: Tech
Your In-Game Name / Position: 1st LT Tech
Suggestion: make our tanks more tanky or make the enemies tanks less strong.

- Buff our tanks armor/HP
- Lessen the dmg of the enemies Vehicles

How will your suggestion benefit the server: You could ask any of our 212th members (not swampy) and they would tell you that our tanks are on the weak side of armour vehicles. Our ATTE takes full damage from NPCs and the health pool does not help since one rocket/explosive will most of the time kill it. This is because of an entity bug, even without the bug the health won't help when a tank doesn't have any armour. As Bloodraven said the tanks take out our EE with 600+ in seconds but it's even worse when it comes to the enemie tanks since they can take out our tanks faster than we can shoot out 4 cannon shoots. The TRB is slow and with almost no hose power, it also has 2 weak points one that blows up the tank even if the tank has over half of its hp. Its canon and treds can also be dmg and can't be repaired until CE gets a repair station. The TX-211 Is one of our best tanks but gets outclassed by most enemy tanks mainly because of health and damage. Speed can't save you if there is nothing to hide behind. I'll say our AT-AP is the most balanced since its cannons can do a lot of dmg and to balance that out it's really slow and can mostly only be used as a defence tank. Lastly the TX-130, this one is just bad, weak dmg, low health and the speed is almost the same as the T3B. We never use the 130.

Now how would buffing these help? Recently there's been a trend to limit our use of tanks. The Director says it's because of lag and budgeting issues. But I just take that as an excuse. If it's because of lag then EPs wouldn't spawn 100 enemy tanks and bombers, If it's because of budgeting then having more than one tank would raise the chance of the tanks not being outgunned and blowing up. He gave the suggestion of buffing the tank so here I am. Our tanks keep blowing up this is making it less fun and ruining the look of 212th, no one wants to join a reg with weak weapons. We don't need more dmg we need amour.

Edit : Clarification-

1.Atte needs armour buff.
2.T3b needs an engine power buff.
3.Tx 130 needs more speed ( it could be our speed tank ( rn it's got 20-27km))
4.finally bring down the dmg of the aat ( mostly because eps love spamming them on us and the dmg is crazy)
5.the homing spider droid is fine cus it's more like a boss anyways.

Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes

Applicable Addon/Model Link:
Anything else:
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Tx 211- took dmg form AAT : 25 - 859 - 487Destroyed in 3 - 2 seconds ------Atte - took dmg form AAT : 79 4128 1125 2150Destroyed in 5 seconds If shoot at the side: 15 seconds.------T3b - took dmg form AAT : 0 damage from the aat gun when hit on the front. If hit in the side/treds/turet : 500 - 1000Destroyed in 2 seconds If not aiming on side : 15+ seconds ---- Tx130 - dose 37dmg and speed of 27Destroyed in 7 seconds

This Suggestion has been Partially Accepted, The ATTE armour will be increased, the tanks speeds/engine power will not be changed!

Management Team
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