Title - Suggestion - (Summary/Title Here)
OOC Name: Filed
Your In-Game Name / Position: Omega-1309 VC CPT Niner
Giving the DP9 Shotgun to Tech.
Giving the CR-2 SMG to Echo.
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
They are a squad, of unconventional/ experimental units, that practically all have the same gun, giving them weapons for their respective needs will help them massively during combat, but the guns also aren't crazy powerful, in most circumstances they will use their main rifle, but in the off chance they need to enter a CQC environment both guns will respectively help their roles be more efficient.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes(I am Battalion Command)
Applicable Addon/Model Link:
Anything else:
OOC Name: Filed
Your In-Game Name / Position: Omega-1309 VC CPT Niner
Giving the DP9 Shotgun to Tech.
Giving the CR-2 SMG to Echo.
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
They are a squad, of unconventional/ experimental units, that practically all have the same gun, giving them weapons for their respective needs will help them massively during combat, but the guns also aren't crazy powerful, in most circumstances they will use their main rifle, but in the off chance they need to enter a CQC environment both guns will respectively help their roles be more efficient.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes(I am Battalion Command)
Applicable Addon/Model Link:
Anything else: