Dauntless Gaming Staff Team Requirements (Clone Wars RP)
Application Status: OPEN
You must meet all requirements as outlined below in order to apply to join the staff team.
- Minimum Age 16
- A working microphone (must be clear and audible)
- Willing to host and assist with server events, we expect staff to host/assist at least 3 events a week.
- 24 Hours Playtime
- Active Member of the community
- No more than two warns in the past 3 weeks.
If your application is accepted, you will enter the staff team at the rank of Advisor and be assigned a senior member of the team as your Mentor.
Advisor's are expected to learn how the DG Staff Team operates without the pressure of events before progressing to the Trial Moderator rank where events are introduced into your responsibilities.
Upon reaching Trial Moderator, you will receive all VIP benefits whilst you remain a member of the staff team.
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