Accepted Some Event Maps to replace removed ones

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Senior Staff Team
Nov 27, 2024
OOC Name:

Your In-Game Name / Position:
WP Major Valor

Add the following maps.
gm_balkans | Large Forest like map with rivers along with multiple military Bases and a destroyable tower in the middle
gm_vyten | very Large Snow like map, could have a lot of dupes made it for it along with having some preexisting landscapes
Outpost B1 | Very straight forward and medium map but has a lot of room for people building on it and can be mixed around as a defense sort of map as well.

How will your suggestion benefit the server:
Currently about 3 maps were removed from the Event map pool and their was no replacement made for any of them as such event hosts have strugged using the same maps over and over.

Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who):

Applicable Addon/Model Link:

Anything else:
All these maps combined are under 200 MBs however should be noted Outpost b1 needs CS content.


This suggestion has been ACCEPTED.

Any Questions, contact myself or any members of Management!
Management Team

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