Return to before and replace the heavy shield back with the CG Electrostaff.
OOC Name: Voidy
Your In-Game Name / Position: CG Executive Officer
The idea is as the title says, replacing the heavy shield for the Electrostaff again.
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
This will bring back some of the character that CG has lost and ultimately the heavy shield did not fit the purpose of the ideals we had.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes, talked to Major Maj about this due to RMT controlling the melee. Was also voted completely in favour of by CG themselves.
Applicable Addon/Model Link:
Anything else:
OOC Name: Voidy
Your In-Game Name / Position: CG Executive Officer
The idea is as the title says, replacing the heavy shield for the Electrostaff again.
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
This will bring back some of the character that CG has lost and ultimately the heavy shield did not fit the purpose of the ideals we had.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes, talked to Major Maj about this due to RMT controlling the melee. Was also voted completely in favour of by CG themselves.
Applicable Addon/Model Link:
Anything else: