Accepted PlatinumPurge Naval App


New member
Jan 7, 2025
IC Section
Name: 212th MSGT TM 2525 PlatinumPurge
Rank: MSGT
Regiment: 212th

OOC Section
Discord Username: PlatinumPurge
Steam ID: 76561199485866528
Timezone: GMT+0

Do you have any prior experience in leadership positions?: Former Naval LT Commodore 2nd In command (Dauntless Gaming), Admiral and other position on many old servers.

What is the job of Republic Navy?:

Republic navy is to command the men of a ship/base/planetaries. They do this by ensure each regiment is used correctly and commanded to there abilities to complete the objective of that current scenario. They also maintain discipline and order through the naval and army by ensuring protocols and procedures are followed correctly and miss behave is punished. They also ensure ceremonial practices are followed through the base. E/gunk Inspections, Medical check-ups are followed, Guidelines and trainings updated where they are needed, try-outs are taking place.

Why do you want to join the Republic Navy?:

I want to join as I feel my knowledge and commanding skills could be a useful asset to the current naval quota. I like to being an OD on planets and having the feeling of using tactics to defeat an enemy. But also the pride in the job.

Anything else you'd like to add?:

I would like to think people like me in the community and look forward to working with everyone again.
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Reactions: Kelemdro

- - - = Initiating log = - - -

- = Credentials: | Codename: "Stormrider" | ID: 3503 | Rank: Lieutenant Commander | Stationed: Site Warden = -

On behalf of the Republic Navy, your application has been
A senior naval member will be in contact soon.

- - - = Terminating log = - - -