Accepted [OOC] Second Radio Channels for everyone

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New member
Nov 27, 2024
Secondary Radio Channel for all Regiments

OOC Name: LNK_Productions
Your In-Game Name / Position: CG Commander Leonik

Add a second Radio Channel to all Regimental Radios

Why? Because:

During recent Events, it became frequent that Regiments operated in smaller Squads (e.g CG Protection Detail and Breach Squad or 212th Tank and Infantry or CE aerial and Infantry).

To make communication between and among those Squads more easy and to "unclog" and ease off on 1 Radio Frequency, I suggest the addition of a secondary regimental Radio Channel (like e.g CG Communications 1 and 2).

Controlling the Radio sounds complicated with multiple Channels? It truly is not:

When opening the Radio by pressing (default) "H", you can select 1 Radio Frequency as "Active" (listen and talk) and 2 Frequencies as "Passive" (listen only). by pressing *ALT & H*, you can switch seamlessly between the selected Radio Channels and select, which one is active and which ones are passive

How will your suggestion benefit the server:
- less Comms clogging/overlapping = more order and structure during regimental operations
- Squads can communicate autonomously but still with each other if needed. Especially when it comes to Mission Lead and Radio Operator

Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who):
6 out of 7 Battalion Command (RMT being the one that didn’t respond) have responded positive to the Suggestion. 1 response is still outstanding

Applicable Addon/Model Link: N/A
Anything else: N/A


This suggestion has been ACCEPTED.

Any Questions, contact myself or any members of Management!
Management Team

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