- - - = Initiating log = - - -
-= Credentials: | Codename: "Archangel" | ID: 3443 | Rank: Grand Admiral | Stationed: Site Warden =-
Application Status: OPEN
In order to be eligible you must meet the following requirements below. Once you've confirmed you meet the requirements post an application in this category for review by Senior Naval Staff who will then contact you in regards to the status of your application. Do not approach members of the Navy in an attempt to win favour, bump or ascertain the status of your application until approached by Navy themselves. To increase your chances of success you should have a good understanding of the rules & regulations and put yourself out there to make your presence known on the Base.
• A working microphone (must be clear and audible)
Rank Requirements (You must meet at least one of the following):
• 4th Specialist / SGM+ in last 8 weeks
• Ex Naval Officer in the last 6 months
• Ex High Command (Rear Admiral+)
- - - = Terminating log = - - -
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