Name: Lucifer
Discord Username: leadingranger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:554528839
Age: 21
Timezone: GMT
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
Do you have any other staff experience, if so list them below:
- ... Crescent Network Event Planner
- ... Definitive Networks Moderator
- ... [Many more but forgot the servers]
Tell us a bit about yourself:
Joined the server this iteration with me being on daily and active comminity wise frequently. Helping WP as much as I can being serious when required but chill and lax mainly. Thought to give this a shot as since i am on early early might aswell do my part with what I have got and help wherever I can.
Why do you want to join the Staff Team?:
I wish to put what I know to good use. With my constant activity and also the experience with ULX and as a gmod staff I am able to show professionalism, neutrality and commitment. Can confidently use BLogs, Bwhitelist and ULX with me truthfully wanting to become staff so I can host trainings without needing to wait for staff to be on. Having the independance to do this also draws me to wanting to join the staff team.
Create a brief planetary event idea:
Use map: [Coruscant Below]
A Pirate leader has been tracked to coruscant after RIS logistics (confirmed in the aftermath of a base attack) had linked the attacks on republic supply lines in the outer and mid rim were all organised by this pirate. After tracking his location, a capture order is issues to locate the pirates location to then capture the pirate and then extract to allow RIS to perform an interrogation as to understand the motive of attacking republic supply lines only.
During the attack he is spotted attempting to evacuate with an unknown force user. This person doesnt fight but turns back and uses the pirate as a destraction to escape themselves. Only when all of the below is secure does the force return to Site warden where in the archives does a face finally get placed on a hidden faction fighting for influence in the Outer rim with links to the CIS.
You will need to host events and handle staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?:
Discord Username: leadingranger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:554528839
Age: 21
Timezone: GMT
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
Do you have any other staff experience, if so list them below:
- ... Crescent Network Event Planner
- ... Definitive Networks Moderator
- ... [Many more but forgot the servers]
Tell us a bit about yourself:
Joined the server this iteration with me being on daily and active comminity wise frequently. Helping WP as much as I can being serious when required but chill and lax mainly. Thought to give this a shot as since i am on early early might aswell do my part with what I have got and help wherever I can.
Why do you want to join the Staff Team?:
I wish to put what I know to good use. With my constant activity and also the experience with ULX and as a gmod staff I am able to show professionalism, neutrality and commitment. Can confidently use BLogs, Bwhitelist and ULX with me truthfully wanting to become staff so I can host trainings without needing to wait for staff to be on. Having the independance to do this also draws me to wanting to join the staff team.
Create a brief planetary event idea:
Use map: [Coruscant Below]
A Pirate leader has been tracked to coruscant after RIS logistics (confirmed in the aftermath of a base attack) had linked the attacks on republic supply lines in the outer and mid rim were all organised by this pirate. After tracking his location, a capture order is issues to locate the pirates location to then capture the pirate and then extract to allow RIS to perform an interrogation as to understand the motive of attacking republic supply lines only.
During the attack he is spotted attempting to evacuate with an unknown force user. This person doesnt fight but turns back and uses the pirate as a destraction to escape themselves. Only when all of the below is secure does the force return to Site warden where in the archives does a face finally get placed on a hidden faction fighting for influence in the Outer rim with links to the CIS.
You will need to host events and handle staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: