Jedi Order Restructure


Management Team
Staff member
Nov 24, 2024
Jedi Order Restructure

Brief Overview
The main reason we’re implementing this new concept for Jedi is that, since the release of DG CWRP, we’ve struggled to make Jedi fully successful and integrated with the server. This change is designed to allow Jedi to work more seamlessly with the regiments, fostering better collaboration and, in turn, enhancing the overall experience for players. To put it simply, Jedi will now function more like a donator specialist rather than a traditional regiment, operating in a manner similar to how ARC is currently managed.

Full Concept
• Younglings will be trained and then asked to pick one of the four regular regiments in order to begin
• Jedi will work directly with the regiments, being involved with trainings, officer meetings etc
• Jedi will have permission to promote clones however clones do not have permission to promote Jedi
• Grand Master and Master of the Order will act as CMDR/EXO to the Jedi Order running it externally similar to ARC Command.
• Jedi will have to do the same quals as their clone counterparts in order to progress though the ranks
• Commanders will have full command of all Jedi within their regiments
• GM and MOTO will be able to do Jedi Specific missions with all Jedi

Ranking Caps
Jedi (per regiment) limits are as follows:

1 Jedi General
1 Council Member
4 1st-5th Specialists
4 Knights
4 Padawans
∞ Younglings

A maximum of 10 Jedi per regiment.

Ranking Equivalencies
Jedi Order Ranks
Republic Army Equivalencies
Grand Master​
Supreme General​
Master of the Order​
Brigadier General​
Jedi General​
Executive Officer​
Council Member​
5th Specialist​
2nd Lieutenant​
4th Specialist​
Sergeant Major​
3rd Specialist​
Master Sergeant​
2nd Specialist​
Staff Sergeant​
1st Specialist​
Lance Corporal​

If you have any questions or queries about the concept please post a message here and Ill answer as soon as possible.

Many Thanks,
Dauntless Gaming Founders
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Love the restructure! Integrating Jedi with regiments sounds great. How will youngling training adapt to this?