Accepted Clown's Staff application

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Cpt. Clown

New member
Feb 16, 2025
Name: Clown
Discord Username: Cpt. Clown
Steam ID:76561198423803539
Timezone: GMT
Do you have a microphone?: yes
Do you have any other staff experience, if so list them below:
- Assisting the Host on a Barotrauma RP server with events.

Tell us a bit about yourself: generally just looking to have a good time while making a few pals not horribly new to Gmod but still learning new things

Why do you want to join the Staff Team?: love taking part in events as EE's and hoping to be able to host some myself

Create a brief planetary event idea:
A 2 part event first a changeling kidnaps and impersonates a high ranking individual in an attempt to steal republic information if the changeling is caught a CIS attack is staged to cover their escape.

If the changeling escapes their ship is tracked to a planet where multiple high ranking members of the republic including the one kidnapped from site warden are held the member taken form SW can wither be played as the player themselves or a ragdoll depending if they're still around/want to sit in a cell waiting for rescue.

If the changeling fails to escape they can be interrogated to reveal the same information plus information on the facilities defences and access codes to doors and databases .

The planetary:
When republic forces arrive at the planet (it can be any map with a facility as its centrepiece) they will have a list of objectives to complete .
1. Locate the facility where republic members are being held (can be done by any scouting force).
2. Infiltrate the facility (a two point attack if the map allows it one main force with a side force to go in quiet).
3. Secure the facility, rescue hostages (can involve negotiations) and recover stolen republic information (via a hack).
4. Exfiltrate the facility with recovered personnel.
Note: if any of the hostages die this can be considered a failure.

You will need to host events and handle staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: Yes.

Please let me know if I can improve anywhere,

Thanks - Clown

Your application has been ACCEPTED. You will join the team as an Advisor!

Your assigned mentor will contact you shortly.
Management Team
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