Title - Suggestion - Much Needed ARC Westar Buff
OOC Name: Bees
Your In-Game Name / Position: RIS Chief Special Agent Shade
My suggestion as it stands is to improve the overall damage of the Westar for ARC Troopers on the server. I believe that the westar currently doesn't do the damage it deserves as the weapon of choice for a special forces regiment. Compared to regiments like RC the current damage per second is lower than expected.
It's going to sound vain however ARC is a division where merits and standards are valued and one of the few ways we can reward its members is allowing them to get stuck in properly with combat and I believe the DPS on the westar is sub-par. As such I'd like to look to improve it as ARC Lead.
Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SszKaPmQHKIqEaUj8DGVzuH7ZvyaGTc6Vqo4zQP9OKs/edit?usp=sharing
Above is attached data showing the calculated damage per second of various regiments weapons. As such I'd like to raise the damage of ARCs weaponary by 0.5 damage with a trade-off for 5 rounds in the magazine. This means the overall damage per second is upped by 4 damage but reducing the damage per magazine by 12.5. This overall improves the time to kill time while reducing the overall damage across extended periods of time due to reload times etc.
The Proposed Buff is the Row Highlighted Green
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
Hopefully will breathe more life into the ARC Program as once people are in ARC we're struggling to keep them here currently, with topics like LOAs and such cropping up this could be due to the fact that ARC doesn't feel as much fun as it used too. This also raises the question of why bother playing arc when you can just donate to play RC and get MUCH better equipment without any tryouts or drastic training. Not here to throw shade at RC i'm just stating that currently ARC has way less pull than a prestegious special forces unit should
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who):
Yes, Director Sander
(Also checked with In-Game about the Buff Values and he says he's happy to look into them)
Applicable Addon/Model Link: N/A
Anything else: Nothing
OOC Name: Bees
Your In-Game Name / Position: RIS Chief Special Agent Shade
My suggestion as it stands is to improve the overall damage of the Westar for ARC Troopers on the server. I believe that the westar currently doesn't do the damage it deserves as the weapon of choice for a special forces regiment. Compared to regiments like RC the current damage per second is lower than expected.
It's going to sound vain however ARC is a division where merits and standards are valued and one of the few ways we can reward its members is allowing them to get stuck in properly with combat and I believe the DPS on the westar is sub-par. As such I'd like to look to improve it as ARC Lead.
Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SszKaPmQHKIqEaUj8DGVzuH7ZvyaGTc6Vqo4zQP9OKs/edit?usp=sharing
Above is attached data showing the calculated damage per second of various regiments weapons. As such I'd like to raise the damage of ARCs weaponary by 0.5 damage with a trade-off for 5 rounds in the magazine. This means the overall damage per second is upped by 4 damage but reducing the damage per magazine by 12.5. This overall improves the time to kill time while reducing the overall damage across extended periods of time due to reload times etc.
The Proposed Buff is the Row Highlighted Green
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
Hopefully will breathe more life into the ARC Program as once people are in ARC we're struggling to keep them here currently, with topics like LOAs and such cropping up this could be due to the fact that ARC doesn't feel as much fun as it used too. This also raises the question of why bother playing arc when you can just donate to play RC and get MUCH better equipment without any tryouts or drastic training. Not here to throw shade at RC i'm just stating that currently ARC has way less pull than a prestegious special forces unit should
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who):
Yes, Director Sander
(Also checked with In-Game about the Buff Values and he says he's happy to look into them)
Applicable Addon/Model Link: N/A
Anything else: Nothing