Accepted 212th Weapon buff

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New member
Feb 7, 2025
Title - Suggestion - (Summary/Title Here)

OOC Name: Tech
Your In-Game Name / Position: 212th SGM Tech

Suggestion: Give the DLT-19 a scope and bipod

How will your suggestion benefit the server: The gun it self is fine but lacks a few modifications. When on mission we don't have the aim to take out targets that are far away, our iron sight on addition to the guns high recoil makes it really difficult to take out these enemies and moving to close to these enemies would pose a great threat to our lives since most hostile have good accuracy and dmg. Give the DLT-19 a scope and bipod and this problems would be solved

One of the scopes bellow should work - ( pick a different one if you don't think these fit)
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): Yes MJR Graham

Applicable Addon/Model Link:
Anything else:


  • 20250210155537_1.jpg
    19.9 KB · Views: 9

This Suggestion has been Partially Accepted!
212th will receive a bipod on their DLT-19 Heavy.

Management Team
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