Title - Suggestion - (Summary/Title Here)
OOC Name: Tech
Your In-Game Name / Position: 212th SGM Tech
Suggestion: Change 212th battle station to Outpost Beta
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How will your suggestion benefit the server:
212ths current battle station is MHB which is restricting our use of our equipment and role on the base. Our role as a frontline and explosive expert would work way better outside than inside and it would also help the EPs from a path that 212th can push to create a frontline. We won't be restricted to planetary missions if we could have a more open area to work with.
It would also help the EPs, they could now send in CQC EE without worrying that our AB killing them too fast and they could send snipers to the outpost to give us a challenge.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): I asked our CO Alastor and his fine with it
OOC Name: Tech
Your In-Game Name / Position: 212th SGM Tech
Suggestion: Change 212th battle station to Outpost Beta
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How will your suggestion benefit the server:
212ths current battle station is MHB which is restricting our use of our equipment and role on the base. Our role as a frontline and explosive expert would work way better outside than inside and it would also help the EPs from a path that 212th can push to create a frontline. We won't be restricted to planetary missions if we could have a more open area to work with.
It would also help the EPs, they could now send in CQC EE without worrying that our AB killing them too fast and they could send snipers to the outpost to give us a challenge.
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who): I asked our CO Alastor and his fine with it