OOC Name:
Your In-Game Name / Position:
WP 1st LT DCF 8214 Valor
Replace the CR-2S with the DP-23 with the following main stats
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
Currently Dire is very underpowered compared to ever other spec on the server and while yes we are meant to be weaker then other specs our SMG is the exact same DPS as our NCO weapon which we also get, so theirs no real difference plus we would be much more effective as CQC and QRF Specialists with a Shotgun, this would not be used for breaching in anyway to anyone concerned about that,
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who):
Wolfpack Regiment as a whole.
Applicable Addon/Model Link:
DP-23 Model is models/meeks/v_dp23_v2.mdl
Anything else:
Your In-Game Name / Position:
WP 1st LT DCF 8214 Valor
Replace the CR-2S with the DP-23 with the following main stats
How will your suggestion benefit the server:
Currently Dire is very underpowered compared to ever other spec on the server and while yes we are meant to be weaker then other specs our SMG is the exact same DPS as our NCO weapon which we also get, so theirs no real difference plus we would be much more effective as CQC and QRF Specialists with a Shotgun, this would not be used for breaching in anyway to anyone concerned about that,
Have you consulted any regimental command that this change may affect? (if yes say who):
Wolfpack Regiment as a whole.
Applicable Addon/Model Link:
DP-23 Model is models/meeks/v_dp23_v2.mdl
Anything else: