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Event Staff Application - Gremanik


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Event Staff Application - Gremanik

Personal Information

Name: Gremanik

In-Character Name(s): 212th LCPL 1090 HamBoy

Discord Username: gremanikcz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:191957510

Time Zone: Central European Time, Czech Republic

Age: 21


General Questions

Punishments: No.

Microphone: Yes

Playtime: 20h 20m (PS: I get 10 hours from DG 2022 year)

Predicted Activity: I think I'II be on the server at Thursday and Friday 14:00 - 18:00 Saturday and Sunday 8:00 - 16:00 (If there are more player's on)

Previous Event Staff Experience: Deep Gaming HL2RP GameMaster
Astolfo Imperial Trial Mod (not active)
Boundless RP Dark RP Trial Mod (not active)
Astolfo Police RP Trial Mod (not active)


Reason to become Event Staff

I'd want to be a moderator on your server. I wish to assist players and organize a fun or memorable event.
I intend to be a moderator on your server for as long as feasible.
I want to improve and help the community. I'd do my best for mod work. For the event, I could concentrate on what I had to create a strong event plan.
Dauntless Gaming I would mod to enhance my actions, safeguard players, etc.


Event Plan

Planet Dakobah.

You have a plan to save the Clone Troopers and assassinate the Sith General.
All the troops must defend the Clone troops.
The Jedi must track down and kill General Sith.
After that, the Clone Troopers are out, and they have to return to the base.

This marks the end of the event.


Extra Information


Edited by Gremanik
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On behalf of the Server Staff Team, we have decided to Deny your application.

This is due to the Staff Team believing currently your compatability would not aid the team and the application was too short.

Apply again in two weeks.

Thank you for applying!

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