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RC Leadership Application - Ziro

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RC Leadership Application - Ziro

Personal Information

Name: Ziro

Discord Username: _ziro_

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:507316619

Time Zone: GMT


General Questions

Positions Applying For: Commissioned Officer

Microphone: Yes

Predicted Activity: Active

Previous Clone Leadership Experience: Yes


Reason to be a part of Clone Leadership

I'm an active follower of Sun Tzu...

I've been in leadership positions prior with good feedback.
I've got the skillset to build dupes for trainings and events which will better the experiences for everyone in the regiment. Don't believe me? Ask Wamblez.
I'm an aim coach.
I'm responsible and can conduct myself in a professional manner.

I suck really good dick


Responsibilities as Clone Leadership

Host & create trainings for everyone in the regiment to better conduct themselves on the field.
Lead during events such as base attacks & planetaries
Handle discipline by handing out strikes where necessary and encouraging those that do well.


Extra Information


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Posted (edited)

+1 did incredible as EXO of 41st, has a lot of patience and the maturity to lead such a prestigious regiment. From speaking to this lad for a long time I know he has the knowledge of how to be special forces down to the wire and he finds great joy in the idea. Out of anyone, this man would be the number one pick for me. Couldn't recommend a more experienced, respectable and competent leader to head your Commando's.

And as he says himself, he can "suck really good dick" haha

Edited by Iyori
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While he is not the worse individual in the world he has his faults like all of us.

At times he was very immature in 41st setting terrible examples for lower ranks, one example would be the time he encouraged 41st to disconnect and go on strike during the Commanders LOA.

At the same time he had his good moments, when I personally had issues with 41st or suggestions that would require 41st input he was quite receptive and understanding.

All in all I believe he would be would be a good lower ranked officer around the 2nd LT-1st LT region.

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Posted (edited)


- Whilst we have had our scandals and fights, I can confirm he is more capable than others on being a officer however his emotions overwhelm him and resulting in a example like Renly brought up

- He is more fit on being 2IC than 1IC in my opinion

- He is quite creative and quite active from what I have seen from experience when he was doing trainings in 41st. Quite the cheeky and creative guy

Edited by Joinks
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On 6/2/2024 at 3:37 PM, Renly24680 said:


While he is not the worse individual in the world he has his faults like all of us.

At times he was very immature in 41st setting terrible examples for lower ranks, one example would be the time he encouraged 41st to disconnect and go on strike during the Commanders LOA.

At the same time he had his good moments, when I personally had issues with 41st or suggestions that would require 41st input he was quite receptive and understanding.

All in all I believe he would be would be a good lower ranked officer around the 2nd LT-1st LT region.

I must admit, there would have been better things to have done than to tell 41st to "go on strike". Unfortunately, at that point in time, I honestly had no clue what else to recommend for them as the general consensus was against what was going on.

A few months ago, I probably would've said I still agree with that decision and that my guys' mental was more important to me, which it still is. I would've told them to suck it up for now and we'll do something fun after extraction or figured out something we could've enjoyed that was still productive in the mean time.


On 6/3/2024 at 4:00 AM, ZeroTwo said:

+1 spacer.png

I Will follow this man to the hell.


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