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RC Leadership Application - Aang

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RC Leadership Application - Aang

Personal Information

Name: Aang

Discord Username: exoticgryphon

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:480337227

Time Zone: BST


General Questions

Positions Applying For: Non-Commsioned Officer
Commissioned Officer
Both NCO & CO

Microphone: Yes

Predicted Activity: Same as my jedi, on when i can be so from just after base event until the end event

Previous Clone Leadership Experience: Yes, ive been 2ndLT on CE, 212th on the past and have been naval and assigned to regiments in the past so I have a good understanding of what a regiment needs and wants.


Reason to be a part of Clone Leadership

Ive had experience playing on RC before, I got SGM but could not get further since the officer core was full, ive experienced many variations of the RC regiment on the server and know decently well what worked for them and what didn't work for them.


Responsibilities as Clone Leadership

NCO: Lead enlisted whenever youre needed to, complete your tasks to become an officer, have the responsibility of training cadets on the server, partake in trainings hosted by officers.

CO: Deal with disputes within the regiment and any issues that other regiments may have with RC, host trainings to keep troopers engaged in playing actively and to teach them new methods, lead the regiment and be impartial against any disputes until you have heard both sides, no favoritism. Keep spreadsheets and loggings up to date.

Both roles need to be proper and educated in the roles to effectively lead the lower troops as they will be looking at any higher ups for how to act.


Extra Information


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